Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 18 October 2012

Casa Nuestra Senora Del Transito


Casa Nuestra Senora Del Transito,
Franklin Villanueva y Maza,
(5517) Lunlunta – Maipú.


Rising c. 06.07.


Morning Sitting at 07.15.

09.03    Breakfast at 08.00 with c.40 around the tables. Some fine-tuning is needed on dual-processing the buffet table.

A meeting with Hernan immediately afterwards. Hernan delivered the Beaudoux GC Pro model I am using for this course…


Hernan reports he has had the same dream in his room as on our courses here in 2004 and 2007.

19.26    Morning computerizing and practising. This is an excellent Beaudoux, probably the finest I have played of this series.


Lunch at 13.00 to c. 60 people. Today most of the arriving are those who have not yet been on a course.

Afternoon: allowing myself a siesta, that sensibility and body reach the time-zone in balance.

Outside I…




Inside I…






Tea at 16.00.

Reviewing the corpus of Morning Exercises. This is a remarkable manual in practical instruction. Access to it has to be paid for ahead of time, repeatedly, and is not guaranteed.

Onto The Writing Project. Volume One: The Guitar Circle.

20.53    Dinner at 19.30 with c. 81 around the tables. Only one person yet to arrive, in the morning.

A stunning performance by Zum of Funky Prog, This was first presented in Farese by Shinkuro and Luciano at The Orchestra Of Crafty Guitarists V – Special Performance Project
April 15th to 23rd, 2012
. Fumihito has joined his Zum Buddies on this course, with some public performances. The piece has developed and taken on new life.

The course has not yet begun! An attempt was made to support those who had doubts about continuing, now with the opportunity to leave after a free meal with full refund if money, if money has changed hands.

The House Rules were referred to, and are on the board in Spanish…

Reglas de la Casa del Guitar Circle
Honrar la necesidad, honrar la suficiencia.

Nada es obligatorio, pero algunas cosas son necesarias.

No se hacen juicios: te aceptamos como llegas.

No hay errores excepto uno: el no aprender de un error.

Estar libres del gusto y el disgusto es nuestra mayor libertad.

Algunas personas aquí te van a gustar, otras no.
Algunas personas te van a irritar.
No te culpamos! Vos también vas a estar irritándolos.

Por favor actúa hacia los otros con buena voluntad y con cortesía. De lo contrario, sé educado.

Honra el rol, respeta la persona.
No se te pide que aceptes ninguna directiva que viole la conciencia.

Aunque se te pide actuar a conciencia, esto asume la virtud: actuar a conciencia es una libertad considerable.

No se te pide que aceptes pasivamente ninguna idea que se te presente.

Más bien, se sugiere que verifiques ideas que encuentres sorprendentes, que establezcas la veracidad de esas ideas, o no, por vos mismo; y que adoptes una posición de saludable escepticismo mientras participas con un espíritu de buena voluntad crítica.

Permanece en el curso tanto como puedas soportarlo honorablemente;
Por ejemplo, escucha música generada dentro del curso;
Usa el teléfono y accede a Internet cuando sea necesario, o cuando sea útil;
Evita escuchar y leer material que no sea del  curso.

Grabar durante el curso no es aconsejable.

Acepta responsabilidad por tu espacio personal; y por la parte del espacio público que habitas.

Por favor quedate afuera de la cocina, a menos que tengas trabajo que hacer allí.

Si fumas, por favor hacelo afuera de los edificios.

Por favor quedate dentro de los límites de la Casa por la duración del curso. Si necesitas algo de afuera, por favor pedíselo al House Manager.

El uso de drogas es incompatible con la participación en el Guitar Circle. Aunque nada es obligatorio, esto es necesario.

Si el Director del Curso considera que la continuidad de la participación es perjudicial para esa persona o para el curso, el Director puede pedirle a esa persona que se vaya.

Si algo de esto fuera inaceptable, estás libre de irte con una devolución completa de tu dinero antes del comienzo del curso.

Si decidís quedarte, se te pide que te quedes por toda la duración.

… and English…

Guitar Circle House Rules

Courses are physically, mentally & emotionally demanding. Good physical & mental health is necessary; the use of illegal drugs is absolutely prohibited.

Honour necessity; honour sufficiency.

Nothing is compulsory, but some things are necessary.
No judgements are made: we accept you as you arrive.
There is no mistake save one, the failure to learn from a mistake.

Freedom from like dislike is our first major freedom. Some people here you will like, others not.
Some people will irritate you.
No blame! you will also be irritating them.

Please act towards others with goodwill and with courtesy; Otherwise, be polite.
Honour the role, respect the person.

You are not asked to accept any direction that violates conscience. Although we are asked to act from conscience, this assumes the virtue: to act from conscience is a considerable freedom.

You are not asked to passively accept any idea presented to you.
Rather, you are encouraged to test ideas you find surprising, to establish the veracity of those ideas, or not, for yourself; and to adopt a position of healthy scepticism, while participating in a spirit of critical goodwill.

Be on the course, to the degree you are able to honourably bear; for example, listen to music generated within the course; telephone & access the internet when necessary, or when useful; avoid listening to, and reading, any non-course material.

Recording during the course is discouraged.

Accept responsibility for your personal space;
and that part of the public space which you inhabit.

Please stay outside the kitchen, unless you have work there. If you smoke, please do so outside the buildings.

Please stay within the boundary of the facility for the duration of the course. If you require something from outside, please ask the House Manager.

Drug use is incompatible with participation in the Guitar Circle. Although nothing is compulsory, this is necessary.

If the director considers that any personʼs continuing participation is detrimental to either that person, or the course as a whole, the director may ask that person to leave.

No-one here is any better than anyone else: we are all in the same boat. Because someone is older and fatter, doesn’t mean they’re a better person: younger and thinner is just as good.

Inaugural Meeting in the Ballroom called for 21.45. Anyone attending this is asked to remain within the boundary of the House for the duration of the course.

21.35    A little practicing. We now have an English manufacturer of GC strings. These are the light gauge…


To the meeting.

23.08    Inaugural Meeting at 21.45 for 81 persons, disposed informally in one Outer Circle on chairs with the Inner Circle on the floor.

The course, comprising both an Introduction To The Guitar Circle and a Preparation For The Orchestra Of Crafty Guitarists VI was acknowledged as underway at 21.51. The OCG VI is to be held in Europe during April 2013, although whether Holland, Italy, Germany or Scandinavia is not yet determined. The OCG VII US East Coast tour takes place 20-26th. May 2013 so this OCG Intro may also be considered an Intro for that.

Who are we? Where do we come from? What brought us here? Our aim for the course?

The principle of structure would suggest there are seven levels of answer to these questions.

I spoke for Alessandro Bruno, our Representative in Italy.

Why is Robert here? On one level, because this is my proper work in life. On another, Director Nunez tells me where I am needed, and I do as Director Nunez tells me.

A main aim for this course: Presence. A question addressed to the room: What does it mean to be present? Several answers were given to this, although none convinced me. A suggestion given in response: We know we are present because a moment ago we were not. And then, we are not once again. In time, we recognize particular elements that accompany being present.

One of the aims declared, by a Crafty from Cordoba, was to find energy for daily life. This is connected to presence. The OCG go out in public, and have to become present, very quickly, in front of an audience. The OCG in Farese on You Tube is a good demonstration of becoming present quickly, in public view: Crossing The Threshold. Which also shows twitching and fidgeting; that is, various degrees of being present.

So, what do we do to become present? The Practice Of Doing Nothing is a beginning. Tomorrow morning, two rooms are allocated: one room for a 30-minute sitting, the other for 45 minutes.

There is no limit to how far this course can go. It can go as far as we wish; subject only to our capacity to be present.

Guitar Circle World Time was called at 23.01.

Finally: when there are problems, difficulties, joyous moments too, we need a friend with whom we can share these; one who is constantly available at whatever time of day or night. Remember this room: C7. Behind this door you have a friend; I have a friend; we all have a friend; one who is comforting, discreet.

Translations were provided by The Master Kabusacki (whose room is C7).

Meeting completed c. 23.05.

